How to use ACF Custom Database Tables data with WP_Query objects

If you are using the ACF Custom Database Tables plugin and have opted to bypass core metadata storage, you’ll likely end up in a situation where you need to create a WP_Query based on data from your custom tables. The basic approach here is to: Write some SQL that queries all post IDs matching your […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

How to disable the custom database table queries when using ACF Custom Database Tables version 1.0.x

We recently had a request as to how you could prevent ACF Custom Database Tables from querying custom table data when using ACF’s get_field() function. This isn’t something we had built-in but for anyone needing to implement this, you can use the following code to achieve exactly that. A few things to keep in mind: […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

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Advanced Forms + Custom Database Tables: how to store form entries in a custom table

Storing form entries in custom DB tables is a cinch when using the Advanced Forms plugin in combination with the ACF Custom Database Tables plugin provided you know how to connect the pieces. Fortunately, all this can be done from within the WordPress admin so you don’t need any code snippets to make this work. Step […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

How to add support for custom database tables to Relevanssi

If you use Relevanssi to handle your WordPress search queries, you can learn how to add support for your custom database tables in the following video: Resources for integrating ACF Custom Database Tables and Relevanssi Relevanssi support article Gist containing example code

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth
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