Hookturn News & Releases

News & release announcements for the WordPress plugins we offer here at Hookturn.

Advanced Forms for ACF version released

Version is now live for both Advanced Forms and Advanced Forms Pro. This is a small enhancement that introduces a new filter. Changelog

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

Advanced Forms for ACF version released

Version is now live for both Advanced Forms and Advanced Forms Pro. This is a small security release and we recommend everyone update to this version. Form export security enhancements This release adds some capability and nonce checks to the form JSON export routine to prevent unauthorized export of form structural JSON data. It […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

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Advanced Forms for ACF version released

Version is now live for both Advanced Forms and Advanced Forms Pro. This is a small release, but it introduces two new action hooks that allow you to add custom markup before and after a field group renders in a form. New Action Hooks We’ve added the af/field_group/before_field_group and af/field_group/after_field_group action hooks. These hooks […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

Introducing ACF Remote Sync: Streamline Your ACF Field Group Management Across Multiple Sites

I’m happy to announce the release of our latest WordPress plugin, ACF Remote Sync! Designed for WordPress professionals who work across multiple sites, ACF Remote Sync offers a convenient solution for migrating ACF field groups between websites without ever leaving the admin. The plugin is an extension for Advanced Custom Fields Pro and requires ACF […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

ACF Custom Database Tables 1.1.4 Released

Version 1.1.4 of the ACF Custom Database Tables WordPress plugin is now live. This update brings some important compatibility fixes to ensure that you can continue using ACF Custom Database Tables seamlessly with the upcoming ACF 6.1 release.

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

Advanced Forms for ACF version 1.9.3 released

Version 1.9.3 of Advanced Forms for ACF is now live & includes calculated field improvements, enhanced PHP 8 support, and a number of other small adjustments.

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

ACF Custom Database Tables 1.1.3 Released

The release ensures the new UI coming up in version 6 of ACF is supported. The plugin now has an updated UI to match the new design in ACF. The update continues to support ACF 5 as well so you upgrade without issue in preparation for ACF 6.

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

ACF Custom Database Tables 1.1 Released: Repeater Field Support, Column Data Type Filters, Plugin Settings Panel, & more

After many months of hard work version 1.1.0 of our ACF Custom Database Tables plugin is finally done. This release introduces support for the ACF Repeater Field type along with a number of other improvements and filters which enable developers to implement finer control over their custom database table structures. Some important things to note […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

ACF Custom Database Tables version 1.1.0-rc2 is now available

It’s been a long wait but after many rounds of testing and refining, version 1.1.0 of the ACF Custom Database Tables plugin is stable and available to download for all current license holders via your Hookturn account page. For a summary of changes see what has changed in version 1.1. I’m currently working through updates […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

AJAX-based form submission is now possible using Advanced Forms for ACF

We’ve had quite a few people ask for it and Fabian has done a fantastic job of adding AJAX support to ACF forms powered by the Advanced Forms WordPress plugin. This feature is available to both free and pro versions of the plugin as of version 1.8.0. AJAX is support is easy to enable and […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth
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