Store your ACF field data in custom database tables using
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ACF Custom Database Tables is an ACF extension plugin that makes it possible to store ACF data in organised, structured database tables instead of WordPress' core meta tables.
queries.Unsupported fields will be passed through to ACF to be stored as usual in core meta tables.
Store ACF meta data across clearly structured columns in normalised database tables. Structured data offers more flexibility & speed when writing complex SQL queries; is much easier to visualise & export; and provides a much more efficient foundation for data at scale.
You can even disable saving of data to core meta tables and specify column data types for custom database table columns which can drastically reduce the size of a database.
This plugin is a game changer for search powered websites!
I’m seriously impressed!
ACF is amazing for clients, BUT storing all the information in the same table as ACF does usually make you discard it when you need to create something big. Not anymore! This plugin moves ACF to the next level.
ACF Custom Database tables plugin is a total game changer for me. I use Advanced Custom Fields on all my websites and always worried about overloading the database with repeaters and custom fields, but no more. So if you use ACF, this plugin is a must.
By far the most useful plugin to enhance and supercharge ACF. Why? By default ACF saves custom field data into the Wordpress post_meta table making it challenging to utilise. CDT has changed all that. It seamlessly organises ACF data into neat tables making it infinitely more readable, usable, and scalable. CDT combined with ACF successfully blur the lines between Wordpress as a CMS and a web application. The possibilities are truly endless!
Hi! We made this
ACF Custom Database Tables was created by Phil & Aaron, two WordPress developers based in Melbourne, Australia.
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