Quick & simple custom REST API routes for WordPress

Let’s take a look at the easiest way I know to set up custom REST API routes in a hurry.

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

Three ways to exclude fields in ACF front end forms

ACF-powered front end forms are quite powerful as you can use a single ACF field group in both the WordPress admin & a front end form. Here are three ways to control which fields render on the front end.

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

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ACF Custom Database Tables 1.1 Released: Repeater Field Support, Column Data Type Filters, Plugin Settings Panel, & more

After many months of hard work version 1.1.0 of our ACF Custom Database Tables plugin is finally done. This release introduces support for the ACF Repeater Field type along with a number of other improvements and filters which enable developers to implement finer control over their custom database table structures. Some important things to note […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

An automatic versioning strategy for enqueued WordPress assets

WordPress makes enqueuing assets super simple and generally does its very best to keep those assets up to date where possible but we can take this a step further and use PHP’s filemtime() function to ensure our JavaScript and CSS files are given a new version whenever we make changes to them. An example of […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

How to customise the WordPress REST API URL prefix (wp-json)

WordPress’ REST API delivers all endpoints with the wp-json URL base. In this tutorial, we look at how to customise that to suit your needs.

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

ACF Custom Database Tables version 1.1.0-rc2 is now available

It’s been a long wait but after many rounds of testing and refining, version 1.1.0 of the ACF Custom Database Tables plugin is stable and available to download for all current license holders via your Hookturn account page. For a summary of changes see what has changed in version 1.1. I’m currently working through updates […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

How to store attachment ACF field data in custom database tables

A quick and easy workaround for enabling custom database table support on the core WordPress attachment post type.

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

AJAX-based form submission is now possible using Advanced Forms for ACF

We’ve had quite a few people ask for it and Fabian has done a fantastic job of adding AJAX support to ACF forms powered by the Advanced Forms WordPress plugin. This feature is available to both free and pro versions of the plugin as of version 1.8.0. AJAX is support is easy to enable and […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

A beginner’s guide to using SQL to query the WordPress database

Writing SQL isn’t something we do often in WordPress but it is more common when working with custom database tables. In this article we take a look at the basics of SQL and how to use it within WordPress safely.

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

Using ACF Forms to manage third party metadata for posts or users

Learn how to use ACF Forms to edit meta data from other systems such as WooCommerce, EDD, Restrict Content Pro, MemberPress, and more.

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

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