If you need to prevent fields from generating columns on a particular table, you can use the following filter:
* Filtering the array of supported fields for a given table. This affects table
* definition generation and can go in your functions.php file or a plugin.
add_filter( 'acfcdt/field_group_supported_fields', function ( $supported_fields, $table_name ) {
// omit the WordPress database prefix
if ( $table_name !== 'my_custom_table' ) {
return $supported_fields;
// filtering unwanted fields from the fields array
$supported_fields = array_filter( $supported_fields, function ( $field ) {
$is_excluded = in_array( $field['name'], [ 'my_text_field', 'my_text_area_field' ] );
return ! $is_excluded;
} );
return $supported_fields;
}, 10, 2 );