
ACF Custom Database Tables v1.1

Changing the table definition directory

The plugin will attempt to automatically generate a directory to house all related files when:

  1. An ACF Field Group is saved via the WordPress admin.
  2. The table generation on that field group is active.

The possible locations for this directory are:

  1. If using ACF JSON, the acf-json/database-tables directory will be created.
  2. If no acf-json directory is available, the plugin will attempt to create uploads/acf-custom-database-tables directory.

It is possible, however, for you to customise the location and name of this directory using either of the below options.

Note: Be mindful the ACF JSON directory, and the ACF Custom Database Tables JSON directory, must be different. You can nest the database tables JSON dir inside ACF's JSON dir or separate them entirely but if you configure the two plugins to save JSON to the same location you will experience errors when attempting to create tables.

Using a PHP constant

You can define the following PHP constant in your wp-config.php file or in a configuration plugin, provided it is defined before the plugins_loaded action hook:

 * Changes the ACF Custom Database Tables JSON directory.
 * This needs to run before the 'plugins_loaded' action hook, so 
 * you need to put this in a plugin or in your wp-config.php file.
 * Trailing slash is optional and will be removed.
define( 'ACFCDT_JSON_DIR', '/full/path/to/my-custom-json-dir' );

Using this approach is definitive, and the directory path defined will not be overridable with the filter. You may need to create this directory yourself and make sure it is writable. See the diagnostic information available in Custom Fields > Database Tables > Help if you are having issues around this.

Using a filter

If you prefer, you can use the following filter to modify the JSON directory:

 * Changes the ACF Custom Database Tables JSON directory.
 * This needs to run before the 'plugins_loaded' action hook, so 
 * you need to put this in a plugin.
add_filter( 'acfcdt/json_dir', function ( $json_dir ) {
    return '/full/path/to/my-custom-json-directory';
} );

Again, this code needs to run before the plugins_loaded action hook fires, so this needs to go in a configuration plugin.

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