
ACF Custom Database Tables v1.1

Preventing deletion of custom table data

By default, the plugin will intercept calls made to delete posts and remove all custom table data when the post is removed from the database.

Note: Moving a post to the trash does not trigger data removal from custom database tables. This only occurs when the post is removed permanently from the database via the WordPress admin or by invoking the wp_delete_post() function.

Be mindful that the deleted post IDs will remain in the custom database tables if you decide to allow the data to persist after the post is deleted. Be sure to consider this in any custom SQL queries you may write.

How to prevent deletion of ACF field values from custom database tables

You may prevent data removal through the use of either the acfcdt/delete_all_custom_table_data or the acfcdt/delete_custom_table_data filters. These filters are very similar but have slightly different approaches as outlined below.

How to prevent deletion of all custom table values

You may use the acfcdt/delete_all_custom_table_data filter to prevent deletion of custom table data from all custom tables. The data passed to the filter allows evaluation of the post ID and/or post type. The filter runs once when deleting a post and requires a boolean value be returned. e.g;

add_filter( 'acfcdt/delete_all_custom_table_data', function ( $bool, $post_id, $post_type ) {
    // Don't delete custom table data for this post type.
    if ( $post_type === 'my_custom_post_type' ) {
        return false;

    return $bool;
}, 10, 3 );

How to prevent deletion of data from specific custom database tables

You may use the acfcdt/delete_custom_table_data filter to prevent deletion of custom table data from specific tables. The data passed to the filter allows evaluation of the post ID, post type, and/or the database table name. The filter runs inside of a loop that works through each custom database table name for the given post type. The filter requires a boolean value be returned. e.g;

add_filter( 'acfcdt/delete_custom_table_data', function ( $bool, $post_id, $post_type, $table_name ) {
    // Don't delete custom table data for this DB table.
    if ( $table_name === 'my_custom_db_table' ) {
        return false;
    return $bool;
}, 10, 4 );

Note: the database table name does not include the database table prefix.

Handling sub tables and/or join tables

When using sub tables (for repeater fields) or join tables (for relational fields), these tables need to be evaluated individually as they are considered separate tables in their own right. e.g;

add_filter( 'acfcdt/delete_custom_table_data', function ( $bool, $post_id, $post_type, $table_name ) {
    // Don't delete custom table data for this DB table.
    if ( $table_name === 'my_custom_db_table' ) {
        return false;

    // Don't delete custom table data for a repeater table.
    if ( $table_name === 'my_custom_db_table__my_repeater' ) {
        return false;

    // Don't delete custom table data for a relational field using a join table.
    if ( $table_name === 'my_custom_db_table__my_relationship' ) {
        return false;

    return $bool;
}, 10, 4 );

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