
Advanced Forms for ACF

Display arguments

Display arguments are used to control the way a form is displayed and bahaves. They can be specified when rendering a form using the shortcode or PHP function. e.g;

[advanced_form form="form_62bd15508b9c9" submit_text="Send" ajax="1" redirect="/thank-you"]

Or, if using the PHP function:

advanced_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9', [
    'submit_text' => 'Send',
    'ajax' => true,
    'values' => [
        'name' => 'Jon Snow',
        'email' => '',
    'redirect' => '/thank-you',
] );

Available arguments


This controls the the text of the submit button and can be used as follows:

[advanced_form form="form_62bd15508b9c9" submit_text="Send"]

Or, if using the PHP function:

advanced_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9', [ 'submit_text' => 'Send' ] );

The default value is 'Submit'.


This controls the page the user is redirected to after the form is submitted. It can be used as follows:

[advanced_form form="form_62bd15508b9c9" redirect="/thank-you"]

Or, if using the PHP function:

advanced_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9', [ 'redirect' => '/thank-you' ] );

The default value is null which will prevent the redirect from occurring.


This controls whether the form is submitted via AJAX or not. An AJAX submission occurs without reloading the page and can provide the user with a faster, more seamless experience. It can be used as follows:

[advanced_form form="form_62bd15508b9c9" ajax="1"]

Or, if using the PHP function:

advanced_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9', [ 'ajax' => true ] );

The default value is false.


This will pre-fill values for specified form fields. Due to the complex structure of this argument, this onlt works when rendering a form using the PHP function. It can be used as follows:

advanced_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9', [ 'values' => [ 'field_1_name' => 'value 1', 'field_2_name' => 'value 2' ] ] );

You may also programmatically pre-fill field values using the af/field/prefill_value filter. See the Prefilling form fields document for more detailed information.


This will exclude specified fields from the form. It can be used as follows:

[advanced_form form="form_62bd15508b9c9" exclude_fields="field_1,field_2"]

Or, if using the PHP function:

advanced_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9', [ 'exclude_fields' => [ 'field_1', 'field_2' ] ] );


This controls which uploader to use for file uploads. You may pass basic for a standard file input field or wp for the WordPress media uploader. It can be used as follows:

[advanced_form form="form_62bd15508b9c9" uploader="wp"]

Or, if using the PHP function:

advanced_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9', [ 'uploader' => 'wp' ] );

Be mindful that the WordPress media uploader is not available to users without certain capabilities so the field used may change depending on the current user. This functionality is core to WordPress and is not controlled by Advanced Forms.

The default value is wp for logged-in users and basic for users who do not have the required capabilities.


When enabled, filter mode will skip the form success message after submission and instead display the form again with all fields with their submitted values. This is useful when using Advanced Forms as a profile edit screen or similar. It can be used as follows:

[advanced_form form="form_62bd15508b9c9" filter_mode="1"]

Or, if using the PHP function:

advanced_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9', [ 'filter_mode' => true ] );

The default value is false.



This controls where the field instructions are displayed. The options are label to display the instructions below the field label or field to display the instructions below the field input. It can be used as follows:

[advanced_form form="form_62bd15508b9c9" instruction_placement="field"]

Or, if using the PHP function:

advanced_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9', [ 'instruction_placement' => 'field' ] );

The default value is label.


This controls whether the form title is displayed or not. It can be used as follows:

[advanced_form form="form_62bd15508b9c9" display_title="1"]

Or, if using the PHP function:

advanced_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9', [ 'display_title' => true ] );

The default value is false.


This controls whether the form description is displayed or not. It can be used as follows:

[advanced_form form="form_62bd15508b9c9" display_description="1"]

Or, if using the PHP function:

advanced_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9', [ 'display_description' => true ] );

The default value is false.


This controls the ID attribute of the form element. It can be used as follows:

[advanced_form form="form_62bd15508b9c9" id="my-custom-form"]

Or, if using the PHP function:

advanced_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9', [ 'id' => 'my-custom-form' ] );

The default value is the form key.


This controls whether the honeypot field is displayed or not. The honeypot is a hidden field designed to capture data from bots to help filter out spam. It can be used as follows:

[advanced_form form="form_62bd15508b9c9" honeypot="0"]

Or, if using the PHP function:

advanced_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9', [ 'honeypot' => false ] );

The default value is true.


This controls the value of the action attribute of the form element. This effectively changes the destination the form is submitted to. It can be used as follows:

[advanced_form form="form_62bd15508b9c9" target="/some/custom/endpoint"]

Or, if using the PHP function:

advanced_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9', [ 'target' => '/some/custom/endpoint' ] );

The default value is the current URL as provided by the ACF core function acf_get_current_url().

This should only be used in advanced cases where you need to submit the form to a custom endpoint for a highly customised form submission process – using the redirect arg makes sense for most use cases.


This controls whether the form is echoed or returned when using the PHP function. It can be used as follows:

$form = advanced_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9', [ 'echo' => false ] );

The default value is true.

Filtering display arguments

You may use the af/form/args filter to modify the display arguments before the form is rendered.

add_filter( 'af/form/args', function ( $args, $form ) {
    // Limit changes to a specific form
    if ( $form['key'] === 'form_62bd15508b9c9' ) {
        $args['submit_text'] = 'Send';
        $args['redirect'] = '';

    return $args;
}, 10, 2 );

Additionally, you may use a more targeted variation of this filter to modify the display arguments for a specific form by either the form post ID or form key.

add_filter( 'af/form/args/id=' . $form_post_id, function ( $args, $form ) {
    $args['submit_text'] = 'Send';
    $args['redirect'] = '';

    return $args;
}, 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'af/form/args/key=' . $form_key, function ( $args, $form ) {
    $args['submit_text'] = 'Send';
    $args['redirect'] = '';

    return $args;
}, 10, 2 );

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