
Advanced Forms for ACF

Filtering form field groups

If you need to modify the array of field groups for a given form, you may use the af/form/field_groups filter. This filter is applied to the array of field groups after they are queried from ACF and before they are handled by Advanced Forms. This filter makes it possible to:

  1. Modify the order of field groups
  2. Add or remove field groups
  3. Modify fields within a field group

Note, this filter is only available in version and later.

add_filter( 'af/form/field_groups', function ( $field_groups, $form_key ) {
    // Restrict to a specific form
    if ( $form_key !== 'form_64c0bb30bd954' ) {
        return $field_groups;

    // Reverse order of field groups
    $field_groups = array_reverse( $field_groups );

    return $field_groups;
}, 10, 2 );

You may also use a variation of this filter that targets a specific field group by key:

add_filter( 'af/form/field_groups/key=form_64c0bb30bd954', function ( $field_groups, $form_key ) {
    // Reverse order of field groups
    $field_groups = array_reverse( $field_groups );

    return $field_groups;
}, 10, 2 );


When using this filter, avoid calling the af_get_form() function as this results in a recursive error in some cases.

This filter modifies the array of field groups across more than just the form rendering context – it will affect the form edit screen, success messages, email notifications, and any other context where field groups are queried for the form.

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