
Advanced Forms for ACF

Functions reference


advanced_form( $form_key_or_id, $args = [] )

Renders a form by a form key or form post ID. For example:

advanced_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9' );
// or
advanced_form( 123 );

For a list of available arguments, see Display arguments.


$value = af_get_field( $field_key_or_name, $args = [] )

Gets the value of a desired field from the current form submission. For example:

$value = af_get_field( 'field_62bd15508b9c9' );
// or
$value = af_get_field( 'Name' );

The optional $args array supports the following arguments:

  • fields - An array of ACF field arrays to search for the desired field. Defaults to all fields in the current submission.
  • formatted - Whether to return the formatted value or the raw value. Defaults to true.


af_save_field( $field_key_or_name, $object_id )

Saves the value of a submitted field directly to an object (post, user, term). The $object_id can be any format supported by ACF's core acf_decode_post_id() function (See GitHub). Some common examples include:

  • $post_id - To save to a post.
  • $taxonomy . '_' . $term_id - To save to a term in a specific taxonomy.
  • 'term_' . $term_id - To save to a term.
  • 'user_' . $user_id - To save to a user.
  • 'option' - To save to the options table.


af_save_all_fields( $object_id, $excluded_fields = [] )

Saves all submitted fields directly to an object (post, user, term). The $object_id is as per af_save_field().


af_register_form( $form )

Registers a form via PHP for use with the advanced_form() function. You may use this to create forms without using the UI. See Registering forms programmatically for more information.


$form = af_get_form( $form_key_or_id )

Gets a form array by a form key or form post ID. For example:

$form = af_get_form( 'form_62bd15508b9c9' );
// or
//$form = af_get_form( 123 );


$forms = af_get_forms()

Gets an array of all registered forms.

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