A beginner’s guide to using SQL to query the WordPress database

Writing SQL isn’t something we do often in WordPress but it is more common when working with custom database tables. In this article we take a look at the basics of SQL and how to use it within WordPress safely.

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

Using ACF Forms to manage third party metadata for posts or users

Learn how to use ACF Forms to edit meta data from other systems such as WooCommerce, EDD, Restrict Content Pro, MemberPress, and more.

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

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Advanced Forms Pro now has reCAPTCHA support

As of version 1.7.0, Advanced Forms Pro makes it really easy to protect ACF Forms with Google reCAPTCHA.

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

How to set up custom database tables per ACF form with Advanced Forms Pro

Storing ACF Form values in custom database tables is a powerful feature which you can easily set up using ACF Custom Database Tables and Advanced Forms Pro.

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

Effortless Gutenberg Blocks with the help of ACF Theme Code Pro

Learn how to quickly and easily create custom ACF blocks for the WordPress block editor (Gutenberg) using our ACF Theme Code Pro plugin. Theme Code Pro will generate all the necessary block registration and template logic – you just need to bring the HTML & CSS to suit your project needs. Video Transcript Hey. Phil […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

Calculated field enhancements in Advanced Forms Pro version 1.6.6

Version 1.6.6 of Advanced Forms Pro was released just a few days ago and with it came some interesting little enhancements to the calculated field that allow you to do the following: Trigger calculated field rerenders whenever needed. Intercept the rendered preview markup and append it anywhere you need it on the page. This is […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

How to pre-fill complex fields in Advanced Forms

Learn how to pre-fill fields in Advanced Forms in the video. We’ll run through a simple text field example then move onto complex fields using a repeater and a group field to illustrate how to work with ACF’s complex field data structures. Video Transcript Hey, it’s Phil here from Hookturn and in this video I […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

How to create multi-stage forms in WordPress using Advanced Forms

Creating forms with multiple stages in WordPress is really easy using our Advanced Forms plugin. Watch this video for a quick look at how you can create your own multi-stage forms. Video Transcript Hi, Phil here from Hookturnand I just wanted to take a few minutes to show youhow easy it is to create multi-stage […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

How to use ACF Custom Database Tables data with WP_Query objects

If you are using the ACF Custom Database Tables plugin and have opted to bypass core metadata storage, you’ll likely end up in a situation where you need to create a WP_Query based on data from your custom tables. The basic approach here is to: Write some SQL that queries all post IDs matching your […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

How to disable the custom database table queries when using ACF Custom Database Tables version 1.0.x

We recently had a request as to how you could prevent ACF Custom Database Tables from querying custom table data when using ACF’s get_field() function. This isn’t something we had built-in but for anyone needing to implement this, you can use the following code to achieve exactly that. A few things to keep in mind: […]

Phil Kurth Phil Kurth

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